Resources on sustainability sciences and research

Below is a list of some resources for folks interested in sustainability sciences or research, but are not affiliated to universities. Note that they are a very small set of selection, and the list would keep growing.

To read/ study

  1. 'Silent spring' by Rachel Carson - little outdated, but first book which revolutionized the need of sustianable businesses - a bit outdated, but still worth it.

  2. All 3 books by Peter wolheben: secret life of trees, network of nature and on animals' emotions

  3. 'The limits to growth' - a classic by donella maedows on economic growth as general limitation.

  4. 'This changes everything: capitalism vs climate' by Naomi Klein.

  5. 'Climate change denial' by Haydn Washington.

  6. And a list in making:


Acadmic Books

  1. Sustainability Science:

  2. Sustainability Marketing:

  3. Sustainability and Cities: Overcoming Automobile Dependence:


  1. There are many courses to chose from on edx on environmental studies, e.g. energy with environmental constraints, introduction to environmental sciences, Environemntal and Natural Resource Economics

  2. Refer to any of the MOOCs on renowed university pages like on Circular Economy ( ), Smart Cities (

To Watch

  1. [documentary on Netflix] Jane , on life of Jane Goodall @janegoodallinst.

  2. [series on Netflix] Tales by light, on natural habitats of various species.

To Listen

  1. .[podcast on Spotify] 'sustainabble' and 'sustainability defined'.

  2. [documentary] 'life off grid', there are many documentaries on this topic. .

To Follow

  1. Some travellers, photographers, sports-people who are working on sustainability as well on @instagram: @clare_gallagher_runs  @alexhonnold  @tommycaldwell  @paulnicklen @shivya. or dedicated pages and channels to follow:  @natgeo 

  2. On Twitter: Scientific American, Nature Climate, SEforall, EIA and IEA and many more..