Networking is fairly very new field for me - or lets say, it has been very recent that I am finally able to formalise it a bit more. Being an ambivert, it is not always easy for me to network, and thus I decided to divide networking into three main goals: Sharing, Learning and Growing. Additionally, corona crisis has made it tougher, and ironically more necessary (with growing rate of unemployement) to network. Hoping that setting these clear goals in terms of audience, skills and challenges, can help many more to network better and more efficiently.
Audience: Building and connecting to your own ‘tribe’ -> an identity you associate to
Skills to share: Something you are good at and you can share with confidence, impart knowledge, build trust and help others grow, e.g. for me, it is the experience of masters and education abroad.
Challenge: This is the easiest network to build as you are an expert at it and people tend to join you. But the challenge can be filtering many requests you can get once you are open. So try to gauge time well (e.g. limit the number of calls and/ or streamline the appointments by dedicating certain time per month for these commitments), and remain kind and patient with people who are beginners (remember you were one, once upon a time).
Audience: Building a network of people who are enthusiastic learners or those you seek to learn from.
Skills to learn: Focus on the skills you lack the most, and lack of this has stopped you to grow in your current field or hinder you from new experiences, e.g. for me, it is management. Also, my german skills!
Challenge: This network is toughest to build - so try to remain vulnerable, and be open to sharing your failures, and go with the pure intention and request to learn. Be very clear about why these new set of skills would help you and others.
Audience: Building a network of people who learn from you and you learn from them - almost equally. There is always something to give and take in these setting of networks
Skills to grow: What you are currently good at - and plan to remain good at for a long term, e.g. this could be the industry you work for e.g. for me this is field of sustainability
Challenge: This network is easily available but not always accessible due to competition, or if you belong to a minority in your industry (e.g. expats, etc.). Try to be very crisp about your needs from this community and be more open to helping others out (without any expectations), this might pay-off later well.
Happy networking!